Open letter to my first friend

Daniel Kim
1 min readJun 19, 2020


Yo Ken!

This letter might come across as really weird. Whutevs. You were my first friend. You also happened to be the only black kid in the neighborhood. I was also the only asian kid in the neighborhood. We hung out at your place a lot because you had a Nintendo. It was rad.

You ended up moving away because your dad got a new position at his firm. I think it was IBM. Your family packed your things and loaded the moving van. We both cried. Not a lot… We cried like 5-year-old boys trying to act all stoic like… but not quite succeeding.

I never saw you again, but when the internet came around, I’d try to look you up every couple of years, but honestly, we both have pretty generic common names.

Anyhoo, there’s a lot of shit happening in the world right now. Man, the world is on fire! In some good and bad ways. Like: global pandemic: bad. Social unrest: bad. The world recognizing that inequality still exists and maybe doing something about it: good? Maybe? As an aside, your dad should have totally kept that house. It’s worth a fortune now!

Anyways, to wrap it up. I still think about you. I hope you’ve had as wonderful of a life as I have had so far. Peace out!



Daniel Kim

CTO for FLOWFACT — Customer Journey Automation for Real Estate professionals who want to be awesome.